Hormone replacement therapy Portland, MI - Rejuvenate Health Center


Hormones are chemical messengers that regulate essential bodily functions like metabolism, growth, tissue function, sexual function, sleep, and mood. When hormone levels decline or become imbalanced, it can negatively impact your quality of life. Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) helps restore optimal hormone levels to alleviate symptoms and promote better health.

HRT involves administering bioidentical hormones to supplement the body's natural supply when it cannot produce adequate amounts. It is commonly used to treat symptoms associated with menopause in women and low testosterone in men. HRT can provide immense benefits when implemented correctly under medical supervision.

At Rejuvenate Health Center in Portland, MI, our experienced staff specializes in integrative hormone therapies to help patients regain vitality. We offer cutting-edge treatments tailored to your unique needs and goals.

Signs of Hormone Imbalance

The symptoms of hormone imbalance can worsen over time, diminishing your well-being. Being aware of changes in your body is important. Common signs include:

In Women: - Hot flashes and night sweats - Vaginal dryness - Loss of breast fullness - Mood changes - Sleep difficulties - Brain fog and memory issues

In Men: - Loss of muscle mass and strength - Increased body fat and difficulty losing weight - Low libido and erectile dysfunction - Fatigue and low energy - Mood swings and irritability - Reduced focus and concentration

If you experience these symptoms, hormone testing can identify any deficiencies or imbalances. Early treatment is crucial for alleviating symptoms and reducing long-term risks.

Our services

Regain your vitality with integrative hormone therapy.

How HRT Works

HRT aims to normalize low or imbalanced hormones by providing bioidentical supplements like estrogen, progesterone, testosterone, DHEA, thyroid hormone, and melatonin. Treatment is customized based on testing, medical history, symptoms, and goals.

At Rejuvenate Health Center, we take an integrative approach combining bioidentical HRT with nutrition, supplements, fitness, and stress management. The process typically involves:

The goal is to gradually restore hormones to optimal levels under the guidance of an experienced practitioner. Improvements in energy, sleep, mood, mental clarity, sexual health, and more should occur.

Benefits of Bioidentical HRT

Hormone optimization provides wide-ranging benefits, including:

Optimal hormone levels allow your body and mind to perform at their best throughout life while looking and feeling your best.

Risks and Precautions

When properly implemented and monitored, bioidentical HRT is generally safe. However, potential side effects exist like breast tenderness, bloating, headaches, spotting, skin irritation, and growth of estrogen-sensitive tissue.

Your doctor will create a personalized treatment plan to provide the benefits while minimizing risks. Follow-up testing ensures continual optimization. Being consistent with treatment and monitoring is crucial for achieving your goals safely and effectively.

Regain your vitality with integrative hormone therapy from Rejuvenate Health Center.

Importance of Timely Treatment

Acting quickly when symptoms arise is crucial for regaining vitality and avoiding long-term complications like bone loss, weight gain, joint issues, cognitive decline, and increased disease risk.

Even with milder symptoms, seeking treatment can prevent further progression of hormonal decline. The sooner you balance your hormones, the more youthful you will look and feel now and in the future.

The Rejuvenate Health Center Approach

At Rejuvenate Health Center, we specialize in personalized bioidentical HRT combined with lifestyle interventions. Our approach includes:

We are passionate about helping patients prevent age-related hormonal decline. With an individualized, integrative plan, you can live vibrantly for years to come.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are bioidentical hormones safe?

Bioidentical hormones are well-tolerated with proper dosing, but risks should be evaluated with your doctor.

Do I have to take hormones forever once I start?

You can discontinue at any time by tapering doses down gradually. Some only require short-term therapy.

What are the delivery methods?

Hormones can be taken as pills, injections, topical gels/creams, patches, or pellet implants based on your preference and needs.

How soon until I feel better on HRT?

Most notice improvements within 1-2 months, but maximum benefits take 4-6 months as levels optimize.

Is HRT just for menopause and low testosterone?

No, we can prescribe bioidentical estrogen, progesterone, DHEA, melatonin, and thyroid hormones for various conditions.

Are there risks I should be concerned about?

Potential side effects are low with close monitoring, but your provider will discuss precautions for your health profile.

Will insurance cover bioidentical HRT?

Coverage varies. Many cover testing and standard therapies, but additional options may require out-of-pocket payment. Please schedule a consultation to determine if treatment is right for you. We're happy to answer all your questions.

Hormone Testing and Diagnosis

Accurate diagnosis requires specialized testing beyond standard labs. At Rejuvenate Health Center, we thoroughly evaluate key hormones and biomarkers to uncover imbalances impacting your health.

The process includes:

Accurate hormone testing and diagnosis is crucial for effective, personalized treatment.

Innovative Hormone Delivery Methods

Rejuvenate Health Center provides access to state-of-the-art bioidentical hormone delivery methods, including:

These innovative methods allow us to customize your therapy for ideal convenience, efficacy, and tolerability based on your preferences.

Pros and Cons of HRT Delivery Methods

Delivery method pros and cons:

Pills: Pros - Convenient dosing, patient can control levels Cons - Liver metabolism, potential GI side effects

Injections: Pros - Precise dosing, maximum absorption Cons - Invasive, requires office visits

Creams/Gels: Pros - Topical ease of use, can discontinue quickly Cons - Skin irritation, transfer risk, multiple applications

Patches: Pros - Steady 24-hour absorption, convenient Cons - Skin reactions, visibility, can fall off

Pellet Implants: Pros - Convenient, 2-4 times yearly administration Cons - Insertion procedure, not ideal for initial dosing

Nasal Gels: Pros - Quick action, bypasses liver metabolism Cons - Nasal irritation, frequent dosing

Your practitioner will recommend the safest, most efficient methods tailored to your needs and lifestyle.

Lifestyle and Nutrition for Optimal Results

While HRT provides enormous benefits, your lifestyle choices significantly impact your ability to achieve and maintain balance and good health.

Nutrition Tips: - Eliminate processed foods; eat an organic, whole foods, plant-based diet - Emphasize anti-inflammatory, hormone-supportive foods and supplements - Practice intermittent fasting - Mitigate exposures to plastics and hormone-disrupting chemicals

Exercise and Body Composition: - Engage in HIIT, strength training to build muscle and optimize hormones - Target visceral fat which correlates with poor hormone balance - Prevent age-related muscle loss (sarcopenia) - Optimize BMI, as excess adiposity and being underweight disrupt hormones - Correct vitamin D deficiency

Stress Management and Rest: - Practice relaxation techniques like yoga and meditation - Optimize sleep duration and quality - Correct circadian rhythm disruptions - Use supplements if needed to promote sleep

Combining proven lifestyle strategies with hormone optimization provides a powerful approach for restoring wellness as you age.

Hormone Balance for Men's Health

Testosterone optimization along with overall hormone balance provides a multitude of benefits for men's health beyond just sexual function:

Physical Energy and Stamina Low testosterone saps strength and endurance, while optimal levels enhance: - Muscle growth and recovery - Physical performance and power output - Protection against sarcopenia (muscle wasting)

Confidence and Drive Healthy testosterone promotes: - Motivation and goal orientation - Assertiveness and leadership qualities - Competitive edge

Bone and Heart Health Testosterone supports: - Increased bone mineral density - Healthy cholesterol levels - Protection against cardiovascular disease

Mental Sharpness Balanced testosterone can improve: - Focus and concentration - Working memory - Spatial abilities

With hormone optimization, men can feel revitalized with renewed vitality, strength, and mental acuity. Treatment can help restore masculine vigor during andropause.

Integrative Treatment for Women

For women, addressing all key sex hormones including estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone is important for overall well-being and healthy aging. An integrative approach provides:

Relief from Menopause Symptoms - Reduction in hot flashes, night sweats - Improved sleep and mood - Increased libido and sexual function

Protection for the Body - Support for bone density and preventing osteoporosis - Maintenance of lean muscle mass and strength - Healthy cholesterol and reduced heart disease risk

Whole-Body Benefits - Enhanced energy levels - Faster workout recovery - Improved skin quality - Better focus and concentration

Hormonal balance allows women to thrive through perimenopause, menopause, and beyond while minimizing unpleasant symptoms and health risks.


At Rejuvenate Health Center, we are dedicated to helping men and women in the Portland area revitalize their health and wellness through precision hormone replacement therapy. Our integrative programs combine bioidentical hormone optimization with nutrition, exercise, stress management and other interventions for total well-being.

With an individualized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, you can experience renewed vitality, mental clarity, healthy libido, and a reduction in symptoms related to hormonal imbalance or decline. We emphasize safe and effective therapies, providing close medical supervision and frequent lab monitoring.

If you are suffering from symptoms of hormonal changes or deficiency, the caring professionals at Rejuvenate Health Center can help get you back on track to living your best life. Contact us today to schedule a consultation and take the first step towards achieving optimal hormone balance.

Hormone Imbalance Symptoms in Women Hormone Imbalance Symptoms in Men
Hot flashes Loss of muscle mass and strength
Night sweats Increased body fat
Vaginal dryness Low libido and erectile dysfunction
Loss of breast fullness Fatigue and low energy
Mood changes Depression and irritability
Difficulty sleeping Reduced focus and concentration
Memory issues

Potential Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy
Increased energy, endurance, and strength
Enhanced mental clarity and cognitive function
Improved mood and emotional well-being
Better sleep quality
Healthy libido and sexual function
Firmer, smoother skin
Stronger bones, reduced fracture risk
Easier weight management
Reduced menopause/andropause symptoms
Disease prevention and healthier aging

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